Programming Sound Cards
Programming Sound Cards.iso
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Assembly Source File
1,160 lines
model large,pascal
noeffect EQU dw offset checkonlyPara ; no effect
noeffect2 EQU dw offset handlenothing ; nothing to do for this effect here ...
EXTRN usedchannels : BYTE
EXTRN curline : BYTE
EXTRN curOrder : BYTE
EXTRN curPattern : BYTE
EXTRN curtick : BYTE
EXTRN curspeed : BYTE
EXTRN Userate : WORD
EXTRN lastorder : BYTE
EXTRN gvolume : BYTE
EXTRN amigalimits : BYTE
EXTRN sinuswave : BYTE
EXTRN rampwave : BYTE
EXTRN Squarewave : BYTE
EXTRN patterndelay : BYTE
EXTRN Ploop_on : BYTE
EXTRN Ploop_no : BYTE
EXTRN Ploop_to : BYTE
EXTRN patEMShandle : WORD
EXTRN patlength : WORD
wavetab DW offset sinuswave
DW offset rampwave
DW offset squarewave ; looks not like a square but anyway
; 'random wave' is not a table, but a call for a random number !
st3periods dw 1712,1616,1524,1440,1356,1280,1208,1140,1076,1016, 960, 907
; we have to init all the effects :
initeffects noeffect
dw offset setspeed ; effect 'A' ok !
dw offset jump2order ; effect 'B' ok !
dw offset patternbreak2 ; effect 'C' ok !
dw offset VolumeEfcts ; effect 'D' ok !
dw offset Pitchdowns ; effect 'E' ok !
dw offset Pitchups ; effect 'F' ok !
dw offset Portamento ; effect 'G' ok !
dw offset vibrato ; effect 'H' ok !
dw offset Tremor ; effect 'I' <- shity can't get it :( ... ugly implementation
dw offset Arpeggio ; effect 'J' ok !
dw offset Vib_Vol ; effect 'K' ok !
dw offset Port_Vol ; effect 'L' ok !
dw offset Retrigg ; effect 'Q' ok !
dw offset Tremolo ; effect 'R' ok !
dw offset Specialsets ; effect 'S' look at special 1
dw offset setTempo ; effect 'T' ok !
dw offset vibrato ; effect 'U' ok ! (here equal to vibrato)
dw offset globalvolume ; effect 'V' ok !
; Ok now some tables for multichoise effects (e.g. 'Syx' but also 'Dxy',E,F)
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
special1 noeffect ; S0? - nothin
noeffect ; set filter -> not implemented (by ST3)
noeffect ; set glissando -> not implemented (by ST3)
noeffect ; set finetune -> not here ! look special2
dw offset setvibwav ;OK !
dw offset settremwav ;OK !
noeffect ; does not exist
noeffect ; does not exist
noeffect ; maybe later (it's E8x - panning )
noeffect ; does not exist
noeffect ; stereo control not implemented
dw offset cmdPatloop ;
dw offset InitNotecut ;
dw offset InitNotedelay ;
dw offset InitPatdelay ;
noeffect ; funkrepeat -> not implemented
retrig_dif dw offset nosld ; all done ...
dw offset slddown
dw offset slddown
dw offset slddown
dw offset slddown
dw offset slddown
dw offset use2div3
dw offset use1div2
dw offset nosld
dw offset sldup
dw offset sldup
dw offset sldup
dw offset sldup
dw offset sldup
dw offset use3div2
dw offset use2times
; and some effects we have to handle after reading vol/inst/note
; maybe refresh etc. - remember MODplayer ...
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
handleeffects noeffect2 ; really no effect ;)
dw offset Hdl_Volfx ; effect 'D' ok!
dw offset Hdl_pitchdwn ; effect 'E' ok!
dw offset Hdl_pitchup ; effect 'F' ok!
dw offset Hdl_porta ; effect 'G' ok!
dw offset Hdl_Vibrato ; effect 'H' ok!
dw offset Hdl_arpeggio ; effect 'J' ok!
dw offset hdl_Vib_Vol ; effect 'K' ok!
dw offset Hdl_Port_Vol ; effect 'L' ok!
dw offset Hdl_setsmpofs ; effect 'O' ok!
dw offset Hdl_tremolo ; effect 'R' ok!
dw offset Hdl_Special ; effect 'S' look at special 2
dw offset Hdl_Vibrato ; effect 'U' ok! (here equal to vibrato
; Ok now some tables for multichoise effects (e.g. 'Syx' but also 'Dxy',E,F)
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Vol_cmd2nd noeffect2
dw offset FineVSlideDwn
dw offset FineVSlideUp
Pitdwn_cmd2nd noeffect2
dw offset Finepitch_down
dw offset XFinepitch_down
Pitup_cmd2nd noeffect2
dw offset Finepitch_up
dw offset XFinepitch_up
special2 noeffect2 ; S0? - nothin
noeffect2 ; set filter -> not implemented (by ST3)
noeffect2 ; set glissando -> not implemented (by ST3)
dw offset Hdl_finetune
noeffect2 ; not here -> special 1
noeffect2 ; not here -> special 1
noeffect2 ; does not exist
noeffect2 ; does not exist
noeffect2 ; not here -> special 1
noeffect2 ; does not exist
noeffect2 ; stereo control -> not implemented (by ST3)
noeffect2 ; not here -> special 1
noeffect2 ; not here -> special 1
noeffect2 ; not here -> special 1
dw offset Hdl_patterndly
noeffect2 ; funkrepeat -> not implemented
chnCounter db ?
jump2flag db ?
jump2where db ?
breakflag db ?
break2where db ?
pLoop_now db ?
gvolFlag db ?
newgvol db ?
; to save portamento values :
portaFlag db ?
Period_old dw ?
sStep_old dd ?
; a little one for arpeggio :
arp_chg db ?
; save effect,parameter for patterndelay
sav_cmd dw ?
sav_para db ?
; now some variables I added after I found out those amazing things
; about patterndelay
inpatterndly db ? ;<- call 'readnotes' inside a patterndelay, if then ignore all
;notes/inst/vol !
curnote db ? ;<- normaly it will be a copie of es:[di], but in
; patterndelay =0 <- ignore note =)
curinst db ? ; the same thing for instrument
curVol db ? ; and for volume
PUBLIC SetupNewInst
EXTRN EMSMAP : FAR ; <- somehow that does not work (assembler creats:
; "push cs" + "near call", but that's wrong !!!
CalcFrequStep MACRO
; IN: ax = period
; OUT: destroys EDX,EBX
and eax,0ffffh ; clear upper 16bit
xor edx,edx
mov dx,[Userate]
mul edx ; EAX = Userate*Period
mov ebx,eax
xor edx,edx
mov dx,0dah
mov eax,77900000h ; EDX:EAX = 1712*8363*10000h
div ebx
; 1712 * 8363 * 10000h
; EAX = ----------------------
; Userate * Period
CalcPeriod macro
local notbelow,notabove
; IN: AL - Note (higher 4=name,lower 4=octave)
; FS - Segment of instrument
; OUT: AX = Period
; calc speriod (with st3 finetune) :
mov bl,al
mov cl,al
shr cl,4
xor bh,bh
and bl,0fh
shl bl,1
; ok calculate the period
mov ax,[st3periods+bx]
shl ax,4 ; period(note)*16
shr ax,cl ; period(note)*16 >> octave(note)
mov dx,8363
mul dx ; dx:ax = 8363*period(note)*16 >> octave(note)
mov bx,fs:[TInstrument.c2speed]
div bx
; 8363*(period(note)*16 shr octave(note))
; ax = --------------------------------------
; C2Speed of current Sample
; Now check borders :
cmp ax,[channel.lower_border+si]
jnb notbelow
mov ax,[channel.lower_border+si]
notbelow: cmp ax,[channel.upper_border+si]
jna notabove
mov ax,[channel.upper_border+si]
CheckPara0 MACRO
local cp
cmp al,0
jnz cp
mov al,[channel.parameter+si]
cp: mov [channel.parameter+si],al
CheckPara0not MACRO
local cp
cmp al,0
je cp
mov [channel.parameter+si],al
SetupNewInst PROC NEAR
; IN : AL = number of new instrument
; SI = offset to channel
; DS = Dataseg
dec al
mov bl,al
xor bh,bh
shl bx,2
xor ah,ah
add bx,ax
mov ax,ds:[Instruments+2]
add bx,ax
mov fs,bx
mov [channel.instrSEG+si],bx
mov al,fs:[TInstrument.vol]
cmp al,64
jb volwell
mov al,63
volwell: mul [gvolume]
shr ax,6
mov [channel.SampleVol+si],al
mov ax,fs:[TInstrument.memseg]
mov [channel.sampleSEG+si],ax
mov al,fs:[TInstrument.flags]
and al,00000001b ; bit 0 - loop sample ?
mov [channel.sLoopflag+si],al
mov ax,fs:[TInstrument.loopbeg]
mov [channel.sLoopstart+si],ax
mov ax,fs:[TInstrument.loopend]
cmp [channel.sLoopflag+si],1
je weloop ; =:)
mov ax,fs:[TInstrument.slength] ; <- we don't loop :( anyway ...
weLoop: mov [channel.sLoopend+si],ax
; calc period borders
mov bx,fs:[TInstrument.c2speed]
cmp bx,0
jne c2speedok
; c2speed = 0 -> don't play it !! it's wrong !
mov [channel.InstrNo+si],0
c2speedok: mov [channel.ssmpstart+si],0 ; reset start value
cmp [amigalimits],1
je takeamigalimits
; B-7 :
mov ax,907 * 16 / 128 ; period(note)*16 >> 7
mov dx,8363
mul dx ; dx:ax = 8363*period(note)*16 >> octave(note)
div bx
mov [channel.lower_border+si],ax
; C-0 :
mov ax,1712 * 16 ; period(note)*16 >> 0
mov dx,8363
mul dx ; dx:ax = 8363*period(note)*16 >> octave(note)
cmp bx,3500
jb c2below
div bx
mov [channel.upper_border+si],ax
jmp after1
c2below: mov bx,3500
div bx
mov [channel.upper_border+si],ax
jmp after1
; first C-3 :
mov ax,1712 * 16 / 8 ; period(note)*16 >> 3
mov dx,8363
mul dx ; dx:ax = 8363*period(note)*16 >> octave(note)
div bx
mov [channel.upper_border+si],ax
; then B-5 :
mov ax,907 * 16 / 32 ; period(note)*16 >> 5
mov dx,8363
mul dx ; dx:ax = 8363*period(note)*16 >> octave(note)
div bx
mov [channel.lower_border+si],ax
after1: mov al,[curInst]
; IN: AL = note & octave
; SI = offset to channel
; clear it first - just to make sure we really set it
mov [channel.speriod+si],0
cmp [channel.instrNo+si],0
je after2 ; if there's no instrumnet
; set pointer to instrument
push ax
mov ax,[channel.instrSEG+si]
mov fs,ax
pop ax
cmp fs:[TInstrument.Typ],1 ; only calc if instrument does exist
jne after2
mov [channel.speriod+si],ax
; now step calculations :
mov [channel.sStep+si],EAX
cmp [portaFlag],1
je after2 ; it's porta, do not restart !
; restart instrument
xor ebx,ebx
mov bx,[channel.sSmpstart+si]
shl ebx,16
mov [channel.sCurpos+si],ebx
mov [channel.enabled+si],1
after2: ret
; put next notes into channels
mov [jump2flag],0
mov [breakflag],0
mov [gvolFlag],0
mov [Ploop_now],0
mov [inpatterndly],0
cmp [patterndelay],0
je nopatdly
mov [inpatterndly],1
nopatdly: mov al,[usedchannels]
mov [chnCounter],al
; get next postion in current pattern
mov al,[usedchannels]
mov ah,al
shl al,2
add al,ah ; al = 5*[usedchannels]
mov ah,[curline]
mul ah
; ok that was the offset :
mov di,ax
; now the segment of current pattern :
xor bh,bh
mov bl,[curorder]
mov bl,[order+bx]
cmp bl,254
jae nextorder
shl bx,1
mov ax,[pattern+bx]
or ax,ax
jz nopatloop
cmp ax,0C000h
jb noEMSpattern
push ax
push di
; Set page number:
mov ah,044h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,al ; bx = logical page
xor al,al ; al = physical page
mov dx,[patEMShandle] ; dx = handle
int 67h
cmp ah,0
je noemsprob
mov dl,0
div dl ; <- cause a "div by 0" because EMSdriver does not work correct
noemsprob: pop di
pop ax
; change offset to part #(ah and 0fh)
shr ax,8
and al,3fh ; bit 13-8 = partno.
xor ah,ah
mov dx,[patlength]
mul dx ; ax = partno * pattern length
add di,ax
mov ax,[frameSEG]
noemspattern:mov es,ax
; ES:DI - pointer to current position in current pattern
xor si,si ; extra channel offset (running through the channels)
chnLoop: cmp [channel.channeltyp+si],2
ja donothing ; <- for adlib channels
mov [portaFlag],0 ; <- set Flag back
; ok first do read current note,inst,vol -> if in patterndelay then ignore them !
mov [curNote],0ffh
mov [curInst],00h
mov [curVol] ,0ffh
cmp [inpatterndly],1
je ignorethem
mov al,es:[di]
mov [curNote],al
mov al,es:[di+1]
mov [curInst],al
mov al,es:[di+2]
mov [curVol],al
ignorethem: ; read effects - it may change the read instr/note !
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~
mov al,es:[di+3] ; read effect number
xor ah,ah
shl ax,1
mov [channel.continueEf+si],0
cmp ax,2*8 ; Vibrato ...
je checkifcontV
cmp ax,2*11 ; Vibrato Volefcs
je checkifcontV
cmp ax,2*21 ; fine Vibrato
je checkifcontV
; -> no vibrato effect, so check if last row there was one ...
; if there was - do refresh sStep
cmp [channel.command+si],2*8 ; was vibrato
je Vibend
cmp [channel.command+si],2*21 ; was fine vibrato
je Vibend
cmp [channel.command+si],2*11 ; was vibrato+volef
jne noVibend
; refresh frequency
vibend: push ax
mov ax,[channel.OldPeriod+si]
mov [channel.sPeriod+si],ax
cmp ax,0
je novibcalc
mov [channel.sStep+si],EAX
novibcalc: pop ax
novibend: cmp ax,2*18 ; Tremolo ...
je checkifcontTrm
cmp ax,2*10 ; Arpeggio ...
je checkifcontA
; - currently no arpeggio, but arpeggio was last row ?
; if there was - set sStep = Step0 (refresh frequ)
cmp [channel.command+si],2*10
jne noarpegend
; arpeggio ends :
push ax
mov eax,[channel.step0+si]
mov [channel.sStep+si],eax
pop ax
noarpegend: cmp ax,2*17 ; Note retrigg
je checkifcontRetr
mov bx,[channel.command+si]
mov [sav_cmd],bx ; to save it for pattern delay ...
mov [channel.command+si],ax
mov [channel.cmd2nd+si],0
cmp al,44
jbe noproblem
mov [channel.command+si],0
xor ax,ax
noproblem: mov bx,ax
mov al,es:[di+4] ; read effect parameter
jmp [initeffects+bx]
effectdone: ; read instrument
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; reinit instrument data but don't restart !
mov al,[curInst]
cmp al,00
je no_newinstr
; ------------------ check if instrument does exist
push ax
dec al
mov bl,al
xor bh,bh
shl bx,2
xor ah,ah
add bx,ax
mov ax,ds:[Instruments+2]
add bx,ax
mov fs,bx
cmp fs:[TInstrument.typ],1
je instok
pop ax
xor al,al
mov [curInst],al
jmp no_newinstr
instok: pop ax
comment #
cmp [channel.enabled+si],0 ; if channel is disabled then restart definitly
je restart
cmp [channel.InstrNo+si],al ; but if it's enabled & same instrno then don't restart
je dontrestart
restart: cmp [portaFlag],1 ; and if portamento then don't restart ;)
je dontrestart
mov bx,[channel.sSmpstart+si]
mov [channel.sCurpos+si],bx
mov [channel.InstrNo+si],al
call near ptr SetupNewInst
no_newinstr: ; read note ...
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mov al,[curNote]
cmp al,0ffh
je no_newnote
cmp al,0feh
jne normal_note
mov [channel.enabled+si],0 ; stop mixing
jmp no_newnote
normal_note: mov [channel.Note+si],al
call near ptr SetNewNote
no_newnote: ; read volume - last but not least ;)
; ~~~~~~~~~~~
mov al,[curVol]
cmp al,0ffh
je no_vol
cmp al,64
jb volok
mov al,63
volok: mul [gvolume]
shr ax,6
mov [channel.SampleVol+si],al
no_vol: ; ok now the effect handling after reading vol/instr/note
mov bx,[channel.command+si]
jmp [handleeffects+bx]
donothing: add di,5 ; to next channel in pattern
add si,size Channel ; to next channel in channel mix info
dec [chnCounter] ; one channel done
jnz chnLoop
cmp [gvolFlag],0
je nonewglobal
mov al,[newgvol]
mov [gvolume],al
nonewglobal: mov al,[curspeed]
mov [curtick],al
cmp [breakflag],1
je patternbreak
cmp [jump2flag],1
je jumporder
cmp [Ploop_now],1
je dopatloop
nopatloop: inc [curline]
cmp [curline],64
jne only_next
; ok - next order ...
mov [curline],0
nextorder: inc [curorder]
otherorder: mov [Ploop_to],0
mov al,[lastorder]
cmp [curorder],al
ja end_reached
doloop: xor bh,bh
mov bl,[curorder]
mov al,[Order+bx]
cmp al,254
jae nextorder
mov [curpattern],al
only_next: ret
patternbreak:mov al,[break2where]
mov [curline],al
jmp nextorder
jumporder: mov [curline],0
mov al,[jump2where]
mov [curorder],al
jmp otherorder
dopatloop: dec [Ploop_no]
jz patloopends
mov al,[Ploop_to]
mov [curline],al
jmp only_next
patloopends: mov al,[curline]
inc al
mov [PLoop_to],al
mov [Ploop_on],0
jmp nopatloop
end_reached: cmp [loopS3M],1
jne donotloop
mov [curorder],0
jmp doloop
donotloop: mov [EndOfSong],1
jmp only_next
checkifcontV: ; check if continue Vib/Vib_vol
cmp [curNote],0feh
jb aftercontcheck
cmp [channel.command+si],11*2 ; command before was vibrato
je checkok1
cmp [channel.command+si],21*2 ; command before was fine vibrato
je checkok1
cmp [channel.command+si],8*2 ; command before was vibrato+volef
jne aftercontcheck
checkok1: mov [channel.continueEf+si],1
jmp aftercontcheck
checkifcontA: ; check if continue Arpeg
cmp [curNote],0feh
jb aftercontcheck
checkifcontTrm: ; check if continue a tremolo
checkifcontRetr: ; check if continue a note retrig
cmp [channel.command+si],ax
jne aftercontcheck
mov [channel.continueEf+si],1
jmp aftercontcheck
; Effects :
; ~~~~~~~~~
checkonlyPara: checkPara0
jmp back2reality
setspeed: ; effect 'A'
cmp al,0 ; speed = 0 does not exist
je back2reality
mov [curspeed],al
jmp back2reality
jump2order: ; effect 'B'
mov [jump2flag],1
mov [jump2where],al
jmp back2reality
patternbreak2: ; effect 'C'
mov [breakflag],1
mov ah,al
and al,0fh
shr ah,4
mov [break2where],al
jmp back2reality
VolumeEfcts: ; effect 'D' or jump from dual commands ...
mov ah,al
shr ah,4
cmp ah,0fh
jne nofinevoldown
cmp al,0f0h
je volup
; normal fine volume down DFx
mov [channel.cmd2nd + si],04
jmp back2reality
nofinevoldown: mov ah,al
and ah,0fh
cmp ah,0fh
jne nofinevolup
cmp al,0fh
je voldown
; normal fine volume up DxF
mov [channel.cmd2nd + si],06
jmp back2reality
nofinevolup: mov ah,al
and ah,00fh
jz notVslidedown
; normale slide down effect D0x
voldown: mov [channel.cmd2nd + si],00
jmp back2reality
notVslidedown: ; normal slide up effect Dx0
volup: mov [channel.cmd2nd + si],02
jmp back2reality
Pitchdowns: ; effect 'E'
cmp al,0DFh ; al is parameter
ja extraptdowns
mov [channel.cmd2nd + si],00
jmp back2reality
extraptdowns: cmp al,0EFh
ja Finepitchdown
; extra fine slides
mov [channel.cmd2nd + si],04
jmp back2reality
Finepitchdown: mov [channel.cmd2nd + si],02
jmp back2reality
Pitchups: ; effect 'F'
cmp al,0DFh ; al is parameter
ja extraptups
mov [channel.cmd2nd + si],00
jmp back2reality
extraptups: cmp al,0EFh
ja Finepitchup
; extra fine slides
mov [channel.cmd2nd + si],04
jmp back2reality
Finepitchup: mov [channel.cmd2nd + si],02
jmp back2reality
Portamento: ; effect 'G'
cmp al,0
je nonewPortpara
mov [channel.PortPara+si],al
nonewPortpara: mov [portaFlag],1
; check first if portamento really possible:
cmp [channel.enabled+si],0
je stopporta
cmp [curNote],0feh
jae back2reality ; <- continue portamento
; now save some values (we wanna slide from ...)
mov eax,[channel.sStep+si]
mov [sStep_old],eax
mov ax,[channel.sPeriod+si]
mov [Period_old],ax
jmp back2reality
stopporta: mov [channel.command+si],0 ;<-noeffect
mov [portaFlag],0
jmp back2reality
Vibrato: ; effect 'H'
cmp [channel.continueEf+si],1
je norestart
mov [channel.Tablepos+si],0
norestart: cmp al,0
jne newVibvalue
mov al,[channel.VibPara+si]
newVibValue: mov ah,al
shr ah,4
cmp ah,0
jne Vibspeedok
mov ah,[channel.VibPara+si]
and ah,0f0h
or al,ah
VibspeedOk: mov [channel.VibPara+si],al
jmp back2reality
Tremor: ; effect 'I'
jmp back2reality
Arpeggio: ; effect 'J'
cmp al,0
je uselastPara
mov [arp_chg],1
mov [channel.parameter+si],al
jmp back2reality
uselastPara: mov [arp_chg],0
jmp back2reality
Vib_Vol: ; effect 'K'
cmp [channel.continueEf+si],1
je volumeefcts
mov [channel.Tablepos+si],0
jmp volumeefcts
Port_Vol: ; effect 'L'
mov [portaFlag],1
; check first if portamento really possible:
cmp [channel.enabled+si],0
je stopporta ; <- channel plays nothing -> no porta and volfx usefull ;)
cmp [curNote],0feh
jae volumeefcts ; <- continue portamento
; now save some values (we wanna slide from ...)
push ax
mov eax,[channel.sStep+si]
mov [sStep_old],eax
mov ax,[channel.sPeriod+si]
mov [Period_old],ax
pop ax
jmp volumeefcts ; <- and now volume effects
Retrigg: ; effect 'Q'
cmp al,0
jne newretrPara
mov al,[channel.parameter+si]
jmp aftersetretr
newretrPara: mov [channel.parameter+si],al
mov ah,al
and ah,0fh
cmp ah,0
je noretrigg
dec ah
mov [channel.ctick+si],ah
aftersetretr: mov bl,al
shr bl,4
shl bl,1
xor bh,bh
jmp [retrig_dif+bx]
nosld: mov [channel.cmd2nd+si],0
jmp back2reality
slddown: mov [channel.cmd2nd+si],2
jmp back2reality
use2div3: mov [channel.cmd2nd+si],4
jmp back2reality
use1div2: mov [channel.cmd2nd+si],6
jmp back2reality
sldup: mov [channel.cmd2nd+si],8
jmp back2reality
use3div2: mov [channel.cmd2nd+si],10
jmp back2reality
use2times: mov [channel.cmd2nd+si],12
jmp back2reality
noretrigg: mov [channel.command+si],0
jmp back2reality
Tremolo: ; effect 'R'
cmp [channel.continueEf+si],1
je noTrmrestart
mov [channel.Tablepos+si],0
noTrmrestart: cmp al,0
jne newTrmvalue
mov al,[channel.Parameter+si]
newTrmValue: mov ah,al
shr ah,4
cmp ah,0
jne Trmspeedok
mov ah,[channel.Parameter+si]
and ah,0f0h
or al,ah
TrmspeedOk: mov [channel.Parameter+si],al
jmp back2reality
Specialsets: ; effect 'S'
xor bh,bh
mov bl,al
shr bl,4
shl bx,1
mov [channel.cmd2nd+si],bx
; do effects we have to check before reading note/vol/instr
jmp [special1+bx]
setvibwav: ; for every channel a seperate choise !
and al,3
add al,al
xor ah,ah
mov bx,ax
shl bx,1
mov ax,[wavetab+bx]
mov [channel.VibTabOfs+si],ax
jmp back2reality
settremwav: ; for every channel a seperate choise !
and al,3
add al,al
xor ah,ah
mov bx,ax
shl bx,1
mov ax,[wavetab+bx]
mov [channel.TrmTabOfs+si],ax
jmp back2reality
cmdPatloop: and al,0fh
cmp al,0
je set2where
cmp [Ploop_on],1
je alreadyinside
mov [Ploop_on],1
inc al
mov [Ploop_no],al
alreadyinside: mov [Ploop_now],1
jmp back2reality
set2where: mov al,[curline]
mov [Ploop_to],al
jmp back2reality
InitNotecut: and al,0fh
cmp al,0
je noCut
;inc al
mov [channel.ndtick+si],al
jmp back2reality
noCut: mov [channel.command+si],9
jmp back2reality
InitNotedelay: and al,0fh
mov [channel.ndTick+si],al
cmp [inpatterndly],1
je donothing
mov al,[curNote] ; new note for later
mov [channel.savnote+si],al
mov al,[curInst] ; new instrument for later
mov [channel.savInst+si],al
mov al,[curVol] ; new volume for later
mov [channel.savVol+si],al
jmp donothing ; setup note/instr/vol later while mixing !
InitPatdelay: cmp [inpatterndly],1
je back2reality ; <- hehe we are allread in this patterndelay ...
and al,0fh
inc al
mov [patterndelay],al
mov al,[channel.parameter+si]
mov [sav_para],al
jmp back2reality
setTempo: ; effect 'T'
xor ah,ah
push si di fs es
push ax
call far ptr SET_TEMPO
pop es fs di si
jmp back2reality
globalvolume: ; effect 'V'
mov [gvolFlag],1
cmp al,64
jbe gvolok
mov al,64
gvolok: mov [newgvol],al
jmp back2reality
; _____________________________________
; Effect after reading vol/instr/note :
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hdl_Volfx: ; effect 'D'
mov bx,[channel.cmd2nd + si]
jmp [vol_cmd2nd+bx]
FineVSlideDwn:mov al,[channel.Parameter+si]
and al,0fh
sub [channel.SampleVol+si],al
jnc handlenothing
mov [channel.SampleVol+si],0
jmp handlenothing
FineVSlideUp: mov al,[channel.Parameter+si]
shr al,4
add [channel.SampleVol+si],al
cmp [channel.SampleVol+si],64
jb handlenothing
mov [channel.SampleVol+si],63
jmp handlenothing
Hdl_pitchdwn: ; effect 'E'
mov bx,[channel.cmd2nd + si]
jmp [pitdwn_cmd2nd+bx]
; we pitch down, but increase period ! (so check upper_border)
mov ax,[channel.sPeriod+si]
mov bl,[channel.Parameter+si]
and bl,0fh
xor bh,bh
shl bx,2
add ax,bx
cmp ax,[channel.upper_border+si]
jb ptok
mov ax,[channel.upper_border+si]
ptok: ; now calc new frequency step for this period
mov [channel.sPeriod+si],ax
mov ds:[channel.sStep+si],EAX
jmp handlenothing
; we pitch down, but increase period ! (so check upper_border)
mov ax,[channel.sPeriod+si]
mov bl,[channel.Parameter+si]
and bl,0fh
xor bh,bh
add ax,bx
cmp ax,[channel.upper_border+si]
jb ptok
mov ax,[channel.upper_border+si]
jmp ptok
Hdl_pitchup: ; effect 'F'
mov bx,[channel.cmd2nd + si]
jmp [pitup_cmd2nd+bx]
Finepitch_up: ; we pitch up, but decrease period ! (so check lower_border)
mov ax,[channel.sPeriod+si]
mov bl,[channel.Parameter+si]
and bl,0fh
xor bh,bh
shl bx,2
sub ax,bx
cmp ax,[channel.lower_border+si]
ja ptok
mov ax,[channel.lower_border+si]
jmp ptok
XFinepitch_up:; we pitch up, but decrease period ! (so check lower_border)
mov ax,[channel.sPeriod+si]
mov bl,[channel.Parameter+si]
and bl,0fh
xor bh,bh
sub ax,bx
cmp ax,[channel.lower_border+si]
ja ptok
mov ax,[channel.lower_border+si]
jmp ptok
Hdl_porta: ; effect 'G'
cmp [curNote],0feh
jae handlenothing ; <- is a portamento continue
mov ax,[Period_Old]
xchg ax,[channel.sPeriod+si]
mov [channel.wantedPeri+si],ax
mov eax,[sStep_old]
mov [channel.sStep+si],eax
jmp handlenothing
Hdl_Vibrato: ; effect 'H'
cmp [channel.continueEf+si],1
je handlenothing ; continue this effect !
mov ax,[channel.sPeriod+si]
mov [channel.OldPeriod+si],ax
jmp handlenothing
Hdl_arpeggio: ; effect 'J'
cmp [arp_chg],1
je newPara
cmp [channel.continueEf+si],1
je handlenothing ; no new note !
; start arpeggio:
mov [channel.ArpegPos+si],0
newPara: mov al,[channel.parameter+si]
mov ah,[channel.note+si]
; calc note 1:
mov bl,ah
mov bh,al
shr bh,4 ; upper 4 bits for note 1
add bl,bh
mov bh,bl
and bh,0f0h
and bl,00fh
arpt1: cmp bl,12
jb arpok1
sub bl,12
add bh,10h
jmp arpt1
arpok1: or bh,bl
mov [channel.note1+si],bh
; now note 2:
mov bl,ah
mov bh,al
and bh,0fh ; lower 4 bits for note 2
add bl,bh
mov bh,bl
and bh,0f0h
and bl,00fh
arpt2: cmp bl,12
jb arpok2
sub bl,12
add bh,10h
jmp arpt2
arpok2: or bh,bl
mov [channel.note2+si],bh
; now calc the Steps:
mov ax,[channel.instrSEG+si]
mov fs,ax
mov al,[channel.Note+si]
call near ptr calcpart
mov [channel.Step0+si],eax
mov al,[channel.Note1+si]
call near ptr calcpart
mov [channel.Step1+si],eax
mov al,[channel.Note2+si]
call near ptr calcpart
mov [channel.Step2+si],eax
jmp handlenothing
calcpart: calcperiod
cmp ax,0
je nostep
nostep: xor eax,eax
Hdl_Vib_Vol: cmp [channel.continueEf+si],1
je Hdl_Volfx
mov ax,[channel.sPeriod+si]
mov [channel.OldPeriod+si],ax
jmp Hdl_Volfx
Hdl_Port_Vol: ; effect 'L'
; first handle Portamento (and then jump to volume effect handling)
cmp [curNote],0feh
jae Hdl_Volfx
mov ax,[Period_Old]
xchg ax,[channel.sPeriod+si]
mov [channel.wantedPeri+si],ax
mov eax,[sStep_old]
mov [channel.sStep+si],eax
jmp Hdl_Volfx
Hdl_setsmpofs:; effect 'O'
xor eax,eax
mov ah,[channel.parameter+si]
mov [channel.ssmpstart+si],ax
shl eax,16
cmp [curnote],0ffh
je handlenothing
mov [channel.sCurPos+si],eax
jmp handlenothing
Hdl_tremolo: ; effect 'R' (Tremolo)
cmp [curInst],0
jne savevol ; new instrument
cmp [curVol],0ffh
jne savevol ; new volume
cmp [channel.continueEf+si],1
je handlenothing ; continue this effect !
; save volume
savevol: mov al,[channel.SampleVol+si]
mov [channel.OldVolume+si],al
jmp handlenothing
Hdl_Special: ; effect 'S'
mov bx,[channel.cmd2nd+si]
jmp [special2+bx]
Hdl_finetune: jmp handlenothing
Hdl_patterndly: mov al,[sav_para]
mov [channel.parameter+si],al
mov ax,[sav_cmd]
mov [channel.command+si],ax
mov [channel.cmd2nd+si],0
jmp handlenothing